Компания "Trading solutions LTD"
We are looking to hire a Customer Support Agent (no experience required/students/graduates, entry level) to assist customers with learning about the company, offered products, digital assets and assist with any incoming questions from clients, relieving their doubts and providing technical assistance.
Responsibilities of a Customer Support Specialist
Qualifications for Support Specialist
Fluent in English (both written and verbal communication)
Confident PC user
Possess quick-thinking skills, creative problem solving
Emotional resilience. You are as cool as a cucumber
Ability to work independently with minimal supervision, while being part of a growing dynamic team
Ability to communicate and foster positive relationships
Accountability and personal organization are essential
Attention to details, ability to process large volumes of information and multitask
Knowledge about cryptocurrency and blockchain, and/or an eagerness to learn about this field is required
Who is this job suited for?
This position an excellent fit for anybody who is new to fintech and is looking to kick-start their career in this field as well as those familiar with blockchain and the industry of digital currencies.
What’s in it for you?
Remote work: work from home or anywhere you’d like
2/2 night shifts (2 days on 2 days off), providing great work/personal life balance
Hone your skills in the field of high-quality international customer service
The opportunity to grow professionally and take on new career endeavors
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